Displaying news articles 21-30 of a total 34.
13/09/2005 6:20 AM
A bunch of new stuff which you've probably seen!
15/08/2005 8:40 AM
Katie Kee-hrist! It's been a while since I hit you all up on the flip side with a bulleted list here it come, we're not messin' about:
All of them.
- A Film About Cress - Rich is my new partner in crime and also hilarity, and we come together for the second time to create this, a moving piece about a man, torn between family and his beloved cress.
- Around the World - Me and Rich also work well together in situations involving the world. Observer and learn.
- Old'ens - The first of a possible series of documentary-style movies exploring the psychie of the older generation. What the come out with is truly outrageous.
- Oh Max, he runs - Max, you fat clamerin' bastard, we love you.
- Facegary 3 - Yup, new Facegary. Not safe for the eyes or brain, but... Y'know, if you can sit through the intro it's probably worth it.
- A Cat-O-Blue Tribue - Three people I've never even spoken to before come together to create a tribute to Cat-O-Blue. Unexpected stuff!
All of them.
12/06/2005 10:40 PM
Oh, I no update for a long time... But while you're waiting, why not visit mine and Matt's latest project, the BollockPedia. It's much like the WikiPedia, but you can post complete bollocks and not get taken to court.
Visit the BollockPedia, write your own articles, and have a jolly good time.
Makosi to win Big Brother!
29/05/2005 7:26 PM
If she wins, she may well spit diamonds at us all!
Euro YES!
22/05/2005 5:43 AM
I've created a game called Euro YES! Refresh it for maximum YES!And if that's not enough for your brain, watch Handbags, Season 4 running now!
The Message Board is here!
17/05/2005 10:06 PM
Yeah, I know how you people like to complain, and now it's time to test out how you like to anti-complain! Long story short, message board!
Now I know it's not the swanky forum you've come to know and love, but it doesn't neeeeed to be, the JamesWeb message board is kitted out for the new millennium, allowing 4, yes, 4 different HTML tags, images, and groove stations.
Visit the Message Board now! And who knows, maybe you'll be on the fast track... To a better life.
Now I know it's not the swanky forum you've come to know and love, but it doesn't neeeeed to be, the JamesWeb message board is kitted out for the new millennium, allowing 4, yes, 4 different HTML tags, images, and groove stations.
Visit the Message Board now! And who knows, maybe you'll be on the fast track... To a better life.
27/04/2005 7:52 AM
![]() | LOOK OUT! | ![]() |
Could there BE any more new?
16/04/2005 10:23 AM
I must be crazy! Or at least I've got the birthday spirit in my trousers for sure, because I've made another new thing! And not just a short thing like another How To Build this time, I'm talking all out, brand. New. Bobby's House.
JamesWeb is 7!
15/04/2005 5:43 AM
It's true, and I almost completely forgot but this week JamesWeb celebrated it's seventh birthday. By that I mean on the 10th of April, it's been 7 years since I uploaded my first website, and while I'm quite sure there's no longer a surviving copy out there, I remember it well, bright green homepage, Duke Nukem 3D and ZZT maps... Section dedicated to Petz. Remember them games? They were classic, Nintento have just come up with something similar called Nintendogs for the DS... Looks adorable, I suggest you look it up.
Not that this was intended, but to celebrate JamesWeb's seventenial, this:
As well as that, much as I am reluctant to stoop to their levels, the 'How To Build' series are the first JamesWeb productions available for Mac users to download! So, happy day there. Enjoy that, whoever you are.
A shiny new 'Latest Addition' box to the right there, and JamesWeb's birthday luvfest is complete. I hope you find is as sexifying as I do.
Not that this was intended, but to celebrate JamesWeb's seventenial, this:
- How To Build A Tree - The 'How To Build' series goes on relentlessly. Give it a hug for effort.
- Jewish Dance - Matt made a Jewish man dancing, presumably celebrating JamesWeb's birthday. Like it, or lump it.
As well as that, much as I am reluctant to stoop to their levels, the 'How To Build' series are the first JamesWeb productions available for Mac users to download! So, happy day there. Enjoy that, whoever you are.
A shiny new 'Latest Addition' box to the right there, and JamesWeb's birthday luvfest is complete. I hope you find is as sexifying as I do.
How To Build Things!
08/04/2005 8:44 AM
I've been busy with other projects recently*, but I still found time to create a couple of new gems for JamesWeb, from what I like to call the 'how to build' series. Here come the links.
Let me know what you think of that idea on the message board OMG wait there isn't one loLOlolOloloL!O!!!
*that's not true
- How To Build A House - The critically acclaimed guide to building a house.
- How To Build A Pizza - The critically acclaimed guide to building a pizza.
Let me know what you think of that idea on the message board OMG wait there isn't one loLOlolOloloL!O!!!
*that's not true