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So! You're signing up, eh? Not a bad choice... Just give us some details, we'll make sure your email's genuine then you'll be able to log in.

JamesWeb ID:

This is the unique name you will use to log in.

Screen Name:

This is what we'll call you. I know some people prefer to be called their dog's name. You could put that in here if you like. You can always change it later, anyway.


Now, this must be a real address, because we're going to send a little something to it, and if you don't receive it, you won't be able to log in.

Confirm Password:

Referrer's ID:

If someone else told you about this site, you can put their ID here and they'll get some free JamesWebs.

These will only be from JamesWeb, we'll never give your address to anyone else.

"Facegary Rox." - Ceephax »
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